
People who run the clock when they're losing

I occasionally nag the opponent if they adopt this shitty tactic. Either they are trying to get the opponent to lose patience and resign, even in a winning position, or they are so f....d in the head they can't stand the idea they have lost a game and must punish the perpetrator for the defeat. Sometime if I dig into their psychology and motivations, they squirm a bit and exit the game. Mostly it's a game of patience and I occupy myself with something else.
I believe people like this should not exist. If you exhibit this behavior, please go suck on a bag of helium for 3 minutes.

Thank you,
Try offering them a draw when they have ~1.5 seconds left. Theyll run out of time just before being able to accept it. Good way to troll them back. :P
When people abandon my games and try to play another one they get pissed off even more because I added time to their clock. It's funny because they join the game and then leave again and again till I feel like they've had enough.
first tell them they get blocked for poor sportsmanship - then give 15 more seconds - then let clock give you win - then block them. you don't want to be open to their behavior in the future.
One thing I did the other night...I was playing a 10/7 game and about 6 moves in, he drops his queen and just stops moving...after about 5 minutes I told him...yes its true, you've lost your queen and that if he didn't resign...that I would do things to his queen that he couldn't imagine...Got a LOL and he resigned :]
@pawlyb yes, in fact, there is something you can do.
You message your opponent with the title: "Seriously?"
And the text: "You're kidding me."

I've tried this twice, and it worked both times!
In my opinion, Lichess should definitely consider adding a "sportmanship flag" to member profiles.
Other than that, as other people have said, you can always add them to your ban list and open a new tab on your browser and do something else whilst the time runs out on that one.
Huh, I wondering if leaving a hateful note will get me banned?

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