
Bug: Rules when somebody looses on time

It's a fringe case - as most of the time King and Knight cannot checkmate the opponent, and nobody has managed to program recognition of cases where the opponents pieces help with the mate - nor do I think they will because it is very rare to have such a situation involving a *forced* sequence of moves.
black still had a pawn i think that makes it possible to black win too, so draw, if white loses on time, its a loss, and if black loses on time , black loses , but if no pawn, then white flag, its draw, but if back flags then its a win of white cuz black has no mating material and white does
Please demonstrate how white can 'easily checkmate black' in this position. I'm curious.
I think king and knight vs king, can only be lost if the lonely king do the worsts moves possible
black goes into the corner and uses his extra piece to take away a escape square. then the lone knight can checkmate
@pranav15: I was white and I had time, while Black ran out of time.

Example of checkmate:
White: Ka6, Nb6#
Black: Ka8, Nb8

It should be a bug.
@jeffforever I think lichess is programmed to not accept this arrangement, maybe the developers could look into it but im not really sure.

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