
Lichess Statement on the War in Ukraine

@Sherkhan79 said in #26:
> Great staff!
> Whatabout USA players?
> Afghanistan 1998, 2001-
> Bosnia 1994, 1995
> Cambodia 1969-70
> China 1945-46
> Congo 1964
> Cuba 1959-1961
> El Salvador 1980s
> Korea 1950-53
> Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69
> Indonesia 1958 Laos 1964-73
> Grenada 1983
> Iraq 1991-2000s, 2015-
> Iran 1987
> Korea 1950-53
> Kuwait 1991
> Lebanon 1983, 1984
> Libya 1986, 2011-
> Nicaragua 1980s
> Pakistan 2003, 2006- Palestine 2010
> Panama 1989
> Peru 1965
> Somalia 1993, 2007-08, 2010-
> Sudan 1998
> Syria 2014-
> Vietnam 1961-73
> Yemen 2002, 2009-
> Yugoslavia 1999

Which of those countries stood for "freedom, openness and mutual collaboration" with all? Because that is who Lichess have just clearly stated they side with and that is what Ukraine is fighting for.
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@onlysumedh said in #36:
> Complete Bullsh*t. Lichess has been around since 2010. No action was taken against any country for the wars in Darfur, Pakistan, Iraq , Syria, Yemen, The Kivu conflict and countless more. Completely political stance. Its a shame to see lichess sink to these depths.

Extremely political and it makes me very proud of them for not being afraid to make their opinion known. I also stand with the strive for freedom, openness and collaboration. Any society against that is an enemy of humanity. Ukraine fights for us all.
@buttra said in #27:
> Did they ban the Ukraine or US flag for their genocide in Donbass over the last 8 years? For cutting off the water to Crimea, for daily failing to uphold the Minsk agreement, for shelling and murdering 14,000 and displacing thousands of others? Why not ban Ukraine's flag because their Nazi-infested government is using citizens as human shields right now?
> But hating on Russia and Belarus is popular right now in the West. Clout chasing, virtue signaling nonsense. Absolutely disgusting to be quite honest. An open-source chess platform following the dictates of Wall Street and London.

The OSCE has found no evidence of genocide in Donbass. On the contrary, they have found public executions and mass graves that separatist areas have carried out against pro-Ukrainians. The far-right party in Ukraine received 1.6% of the vote, there is no evidence of Nazi's in high level government. President Zelenskyy is Jewish, his family died in concentration camps, and his grandfather fought against Nazi's as part of the Soviet Army.

I notice you are also silent on the fact that Russia funds, arms and aids these separatist groups. That the reason for the canal serving agricultural water to Crimea being shut off was because Russia used "little green men" to annex Crimea. That Russia has denounced the idea of a Ukrainian state, a Ukrainian people, a Ukrainian language - that he seeks, with this invasion and war - to end the Ukrainian state.

Do you understand what that denial of national identity, statehood, and language and culture amounts to? It is almost exactly the definition of genocide, a genocide of Ukraine and Ukrainian identity.

I understand it is an emotive and difficult topic, but I truly wish you can critically consider from more than one angle to come to your conclusions.
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@buttra said in #27:
> Did they ban the Ukraine or US flag for their genocide in Donbass over the last 8 years? For cutting off the water to Crimea, for daily failing to uphold the Minsk agreement, for shelling and murdering 14,000 and displacing thousands of others? Why not ban Ukraine's flag because their Nazi-infested government is using citizens as human shields right now?

Da kann man gar nicht soviel fressen, wie man kotzen muss!!! Russische Lügenpropaganda vom Allerfeinsten. Hatten wir in Deutschland auch mal - vor gut 80-90 Jahren... aber was soll man von einer unterdrückten, russischen Nation erwarten, die Wahrheit, Freiheit und Wohlstand niemals kennengelernt hat? Kopfschütteln. - Ruhm den Helden der Ukraine.

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