
How to reach 3000 in chess puzzles

3000 puzzles is highly impossible. It has many computer like solutions. Impossible for a human to find computer lines. Go to and try those 3000+ puzzles. You will feel the difficulty. Even here also the high rated puzzles are tough.
@tritshal said in #1:
> I would like true answers and cheaters to not discuss here
To reach 3000 in chess puzzles, focus on consistent practice, analyze your mistakes, and aim for accuracy rather than speed. Develop a systematic approach to solving puzzles, and gradually increase the difficulty level as you improve. Additionally, study tactics patterns and understand the underlying ideas behind each puzzle to enhance your overall chess vision.
@Trigonometricmaths said in #11:
> 3000 puzzles is highly impossible. It has many computer like solutions. Impossible for a human to find computer lines. Go to and try those 3000+ puzzles. You will feel the difficulty. Even here also the high rated puzzles are tough.

lol 4000 is easy I dont know what you talking about plus there are people with 69420 ratings (not kidding)
@vishwa_vijeta I couldn’t understand what you are talking about. The solution there are more computer like. And the players who have 69420 ratings are not legitimate. There are cheaters who cheat in puzzles as well.
I ́ve just started using the following page a lot, and it ́s really helped; I broke 2200 for the first time in ages again today.

Go to Profile/Puzzles/Puzzle Dashboard. The brilliant cobweb graphic shows you immediately where your weakest areas are. In my case it was pins and quiet moves, so the first thing I did was go to Puzzles/Improvement areas, and try all the failed puzzles again in the Pin category. Then I changed my tactics witzh my puzzle solving: at the start of every puzzle, I ́d first look not for possible checks and captures, but specifically for existing pins, however minor and unimportant they would seem to be. And lo and behold: suddenly I was finding them more often and being able to exploit them.

Since you can set the time span being shown, you can flip between say 30 days and 3 days and instantly see if you really have improved in a certain category.

It ́s a great tool. Fun bonus: you can see the positions from your own games which have made it into the Lichess puzzle collection. I had seven, all rated around 2300. Not only had I missed them in my games, but I also failed them all on the retry xD - so still a lot of practice left to do!
My peak is around 2400 puzzle rating on lichess and 3100 on chesscom

So practice on chesscom to reach 3000 puzzle rating

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