
Expanding on the "average" centipawn loss

Knowing the average centipawn loss of a game is quite a useful tool as it tells you how good your moves were on average. The problem is that there is more than one type average and as far as I know the average centipawn loss in this case is the mean. The problem with mean's is that they are skewed by outlying data, e.g. if you make a massive blunder on one move but played perfectly for the rest of the game you would still have a really bad centipawn lost as it is skewed by the blunder you made. I am not saying this is a bad thing but I think it would also be useful to know what the median centipawn loss is (to calculate this you would put all the moves in order of centipawn loss and return the center value or halfway between the two center values if there is an even number of moves), as it would not be skewed as much by blunders.

Hope that makes sense :)
I dont understand your suggested calculation, but you can also get more info about your Centipawn play with the new chess insights analyse tool. Try it out
That's a really cool idea - I also think it would be great on the Insights as well, with things like Median centipawn loss and average centipawn loss, so that you can see when you make blunders (game phase, castling side etc), by looking at the difference between average and median centipawn loss.

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