
India's ICC Curse

Bro, its a fact.
And truth is a little bitter. You have to accept it.
And till "DHONI was the captain of the Indian Team", we were winning ICC trophies, but after he went we literally didn't win a single ICC trophy.
@four_legs_good said in #6:
> Does this strike you that this losing curse coincides precisely with the years of Modi as a PM?

Pls dont start bjp vs congress here. NO politics in lichess
@AayaanShah said in #1:
It's undeniably a rollercoaster of emotions for Indian cricket fans, witnessing these moments of near triumph and heartbreak. The team has shown remarkable consistency in reaching crucial stages but has faced challenges in clinching the titles. Each defeat is a tough pill to swallow, yet the resilience of the team and the support of a billion fans remain constants. Here's to hoping for that turning point and the joy it will bring to the cricket-loving nation.
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@four_legs_good said in #24:
> It wasn't my intention but since I don't like people to tell me what to do, I might very well open a thread explaining why Modi is the worst thing that happened to India since the Brits left.
> Do you often make up rules?

first of all for god's sake explain how you can connect Modi and India's cricet team connection

Secondly, I dont make rules, I FOLLOW them
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@four_legs_good said in #26:
> Very simply. During Modi's year as a PM, the average Indian's ability to detect sarcasm went so much down that the national team believes everything their opponents are telling them. As a result, they are easily foolef, and they lose.
Any evidence to support this?
@four_legs_good said in #24:
> It wasn't my intention but since I don't like people to tell me what to do, I might very well open a thread explaining why Modi is the worst thing that happened to India since the Brits left.
> Do you often make up rules?
Do you often read the lichess community guidlines?
Hey guys, let us start a political discussion on the country- India!
Okay, where do we begin?
Wtf is this political drama

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