
Which openings lead to the shortest games? What about the longest games?

I like the premise, but indeed, you have to reproduce the lists in the text. Here, with good vision and a large screen most of these are not readable, but even if they were a little bigger, lots of people without above-average vision would be unable to read it.

An additional problem is that for the content to be interesting, in addition to the premise, you have to cull the blunders. Then you'll have a list of openings with sharp early struggles. Here, the result is just openings with traps for low rated players.

So, good attempt, but please try again!
how about making the graphics as big.. that someone could actually read it?
@Bennerbeatbox said in #10:
> "Unlike a lot of the others in this group, this line isn't hugely winning, stockfish gives it +0.8, but it's very sharp. What's sort of funny is that the win-rate is actually in Black's favor. So despite it being winning for White, it's on the list because White often loses quickly after playing into this."
> Surely, we do not consider +0.8 to be winning for White? :P
When he said "winning" he probably meant that the game is in the favor of white. Not that white is literally winning.
Very nice aproach and analysis and effect - i see you have analyzed the opening book and created your own one :) - came here from the compresion (comprymation) algorithm at other blog.