
Computer analysis assessed player diaconnect

I often have connection problems, then the other player claims sometimes unjust victory. What about assessing the intermediate result with computer analysis and only allowing draw or not giving points in situations where the disconnected player is actually winning?

More specifically:
Player A vs. Player B, player A disconnects in the middle of the game:
If A is winning by more than 10centipawns and B rating is lower than A - only allow claiming draw (which still subtracts points from A, but not as many). Otherwise if B rating higher - only allow aborting the game without points awarded (because claiming draw would negatively impact B rating). In all other cases - allow claiming victory.

What do you guys think?
If your internet connection is bad, try playing correspondence chess.
i also had this problem this afternoon, never had before. I was in advantage, i lost the connection maybe for one or two minutes. The opponent declared victory. Maybe the server had problems. I think he could wait some more time, or he should not be allowed to declare victory for just a brief disconnection (time control was 40+15, and i had more time available than him)
Yes, what I mean is that, whether connection problem is caused by lichess server or is on the frontend - it should not be possible to claim unjust victory. Seeing through the position with Analysis would definately help in the matter.

@Toadofsky, if two players agreed on the clock time, any of them should be able to use the time for whatever they want, even if it's playing ping-pong for 9 out of 10min, or loosing it on connection problem. The only place where it is good to claim victory is when a loosing player leaves the game for the frustration... so analysis could see if someone who left is loosing or not and allow or disallow the option.

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