
accusing other players of cheating

I just call it like I see it Lichess..
when a player outplays me the whole game then needs 3 queens to
checkmate .. what else am i supposed to think ??
I also receive the occasional message that you caught one of my opponents cheating ..
so why should i stay silent ?
It depends on what you mean by follow up.
We do not provide feedback regarding the reports. You report, your report goes into the queue, then moderators tasked with that type of reports examine it (not everyone does the reports or specific type of the reports), discuss the case and determine the necessary actions to be taken.
@Blueduck666 said in #1:
>.. what else am i supposed to think ??

Thinking is fine...

> so why should i stay silent ?

... accusing is not. And if you think about it: what is the benefit of it? If they indeed are cheating, it is unlikely to change anything. If they are not cheating, you just offended and bad-mouthed them without any reason. And nobody can meaningfully act on this.

The only way to have someone look at it, is to report.

> I also receive the occasional message that you caught one of my opponents cheating ..

This should answer your later question. ;-)

TLDR: Accusations are always offensive, statistically often unwarranted, and they are never helpful.
And many here are cry-babies every time they lose a game of chess. Your rapid rating is only 1502, around average. Mine is just over 2000, so the chances are if we play, I will outplay you more often than not. Not every game but probably most of the time. And that does not mean I use engines, it just means I'm a better player. Not a master - they would outplay me pretty much every game, and so would many 2300 rated players who are not masters.

If I'm playing a tight time control I may promote to an extra queen as pushing a pawn up the board is very easy to do without much thought and can often be pre-moved. And it's far quicker to checkmate with 2 queens than one.

If I have more time and my opponent is not resigning, I may have a bit of fun, as I did in a recent game where I elected to get myself 2 bishops to checkmate with.

If you don't like opponents doing that against you, you can always resign.

One shoiuld not deliberately drag out a game in a Swiss tournament with increment as it holds everyone up waiting for the next round, so try to checkmate reasonably quickly, but it doesn't have to be the shortest number of moves so promoting to one extra queen could actually use up less clock time.
@earlpurple how often do you think i play 2000 rated players ? lol
I play players in my same "average" range.. thats why i'm whining .. they should be making mistakes.
If you bothered to notice my rating .. you probably could have noticed that i don't play tournaments.

@nadjarostowa the occasional 'we caught a cheater email" doesn't answer my question. It feels like you are catching
1:100. Any gaming online from poker to chess .. lots of people cheat. Why call them out? .. because it's fun.
most of my friends are on .. so .. if you want to ban me .. i'm ok with it.

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