
Email notification when a 'friend' is online

That would be very handy :) .. to me at least.


and thanks
I can say with certainty that this will not happen. Notifications from the messages of "friends" is annoying enough. People don't want an email every time a friend logs on or off. For people with a lot of contacts, this would be a spamming nightmare.
(well, of course i would have to be an option)
I like how everyone is putting the word "friend" in quotes. There are no friends in a game war!
We should just say 'comrades' instead of 'friends', since according to some people Lichess is a Communist organisation! =P
Oh, indeed. Marxism-Leninism rules our lives.

(Theorically, we are -at Lichess- in a kind of State's Capitalism)
I actually would like to get a notification in order to kibitz.

There is Richard-Stallman with his free-software. Some claimed he is also kind of an communist ... being somehow restrictive on the 'licences' (you can use the code, but you additions must be free (with the source to change for others) too.
Anyway: freedom is opposed to Marxism/Leninism. Once, you are an individual, and you are your own king, with your own possessions. Not more not less. And once, you are the property of the community (hence they can make rules for you) and therefore 'your' property also belongs to them.. when your 'person' is already theirs (the state actually created that 'person' (juristic term) to begin with)
Just saying :)

"The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property. But modern bourgeois private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products, that is based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of the many by the few."

.- Communist Manifesto. (

Indeed, just saying, without "off-topicing"

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