
The opening explorer needs fixing

This has been mentioned a dozen of times before, but unfortunately never been fixed. At the moment, the opening explorer is completely useless because of this.
I admit I first did not understand what you were talking about, cause I used the opening explorer pretty much only to find master games on a given position and did not care much about the move suggestions.
Today I messed around with the opening explorer and I suddenly realized what you were talking about. ;-)

Take for example this game:
On move 2 for black it does suggest Ng8 (10 out of 12 games!).

So yes the opening explorer can be very misleading indeed, if you focus on the move suggestions. ;-)

No, this is no transposition thing. The position had been reached in master games because Black has put ...Bf8-b4+-e7 in - as he should in order to misplace a White piece on d2. In the given position Black has played ...Be7 immediately instead of ...Bb4+ first which gives White an advantage since now he can play Nc3 and put the knight on his natural square. But the explorer shows Nd2 as main move, although no good player would go Nd2.


Cool ;) This is the absurdest case i have seen so far. In fact i had to check the games to understand how ...Ng8 can pop up as a move there.
#1 I agree that the "Games" count would be more intuitive if it only counted games from the current position.

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