
Flawed puzzle 7336

Rxg3... Where? Sorry, this puzzle is kinda too generous and your move description is too ambiguous.

Spoiler alert ahead:
Wait, you confused me :D I meant what I meant — Rxg3
Here are my thoughts as I successfully solved Puzzle 7336 -
1 - Exploit the pin (Nxf4) - don't worry about Bxd8 you have plans!
2 - Discovered Check + Attack on Queen (Nxc3) - launch the attack!
3 - Follow through, kill the Queen! (Nxd1) attack 1 successful!
4 - Gain material (Rxd8) attack 2 successful!
5 - Move hanging piece (Most places work) dont lose material.

The last move was odd, thankfully most places work. It just emphasizes leaving the battle with better material I guess.

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