
Could Lichess please add a feature that forbid auto-switch to next game on Lichess TV ?

Could Lichess developers consider adding a new feature that forbid auto-switch to next game on Lichess TV?

For example, when I am watching Lichess TV, sometimes I find an interesting line and I want to analysis it with stockfish. I totally understand that the analysis page could not be used while the game is playing. But the TV will switch to next game very quickly when the game is finished, leaving barely no time for me to switch to the analysis mode.

Is there any chance that Lichess add a button on the TV page, saying "Do not auto-switch when this game is finished" or "Auto switch to analysis board when the game is finished". Or show a list of recent games that I watched on Lichess TV?

Thanks to Lichess team, you guys rock.
Under the playing board, there are two games that were on TV very recently and have just finished. You can replay the game there.
@Jisu101 said in #3:
> Under the playing board, there are two games that were on TV very recently and have just finished. You can replay the game there.
It doesn't help if next on TV are completely different players or am I wrong?
@SquareTableKnight said in #4:
> It doesn't help if next on TV are completely different players or am I wrong?

That will not matter: you just want to have the most recent game that has been on TV. So whatever the next game is, you can always find the two previous games that were on TV under the board, regardless of the players.
@Jisu101 said in #3:
> Under the playing board, there are two games that were on TV very recently and have just finished. You can replay the game there.
Oh thank you!

I used to watch Lichess TV with mobile APP before. It doesn't have that feature. Now I'll just use website APP.

Hope the new upcoming APP has this feature.
I feel the same, but there are 2 ways I can achieve this aim.

I can pick one of the players and watch their own "local" TV. Even if they start a game immediately after this has finished, it's easier to find their last one than if I have the page on lichess TV.

The other way is to go to "Current Games" and pick one, and then it won't switch you do others when that game finishes.

I have expressed before a desire to be able to filter out games without increment (as I like to watch rapid but don't like 10+0 games turning into flagging contests. Besides, if I want to watch 10+5 games and there are a few in play, why should I not have that option?)

I do find it more enjoyable watching games without seeing any engine analysis and then guessing for myself what the player might play and then at the end, see if my move was better than the one they played. You can only do that really at rapid or slower.

(In the same vain as my request for increment, I might want to watch 30+20 games in classical to achieve what I suggested but not watch slower time controls).

It would also be good to be able to pick time controls for variant games you want to watch
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