
How to embed Lichess CAPTCHA on other sites or quizzes?

( shifted from off-topic forum )
Hi people,
So I just made a chess team for my fellow classmates and was literally flabbergasted and impressed by the chess captcha (I know people have differing views here, but I love it)..

I think it will be a great filter if someone wishes to make a community server and wants to screen people for entry regarding basic chess moves.

The simplicity of 1 move checkmates and the database's fluid creation of new puzzles is just.....for me, out of the world

So, can anyone tell how can I embed these CAPTCHAs in a Google form(for example) or something else...

(Shout-out to @thibault btw( I love the CAPTCHA's ingenuity and wish for your help))

The CAPTCHAs are a Lichess specific thing. They can't be embedded on other sites, at least not at the moment. I guess you could make a proposal to add an embed like this.
its open source i think so u can probably figure out how with a good programmer?, is the chess CAPTCHA made into an API or would it be a journey from scratch??
Lichess is open-source. All you have to do is copy the CAPTCHA code and paste the code right into your website code
Well that's the problem.....doing this one by one makes it.....non autonomous and I was thinking of feature suggesting an option that when someone creates a team, they can select an option to vet incoming users by asking a set number of one-move-checkmate puzzles. This looks like a better option..
It doesn't look like the captcha system is available through their API. Lichess puzzles can be downloaded and they are flagged by theme, so you can filter out the mates-in-one, but it would not be easy to do more than that from what I can see.

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