
Another thread about random insults.

I think it is important to get used to losing. I say this because maybe OP only plays anonimously because he feels too bad when he loses and it registers in his main account or something.

So, if you already have a small problem with losing, when someone literally adds insult to injury it can be even harder to deal with.

My tip is: Play more and lose more. You will improve faster, individual losses will seem less important and you will develop a thicker skin for the few idiots that inhabit cyberspace.

I agree with the OP. No words can hurt me if I'm winning the game.

I can imagine that losing a game and THEN being insulted could be a bit troubling though :)
"I can imagine that losing a game and THEN being insulted could be a bit troubling though :)"
In my experience in about 70 to 95 percent scenarios the insult comes after I blunder or lose the game, your remark is somewhat bluffing as if you never have been insulted here, which would be kind of strange unless you play very little, which appears not to be the case.
And that's what I do not understand. I can understand the anguish when my opponent looses and he wants to find some excuse for it (sometimes genuine) and then lashes with it out against me, but those guys who win you and then insult you really doesn't deserve another game ever, and that' what I would advise - not to feed those trolls by playing against them, however much you would like to revenge on them, they are usually some sort of psychopath without any morals or actual soul, - like bots, while normal human will get insulted feel extremely depressed and shaken and lose even more, since chess requires concentration. This comment might seem a little crazy to those unfamiliar with concepts that I wrote about, but I am fairly sure it is all just like I said.
I had the experience of being insulted after losing a decent game and not knowing I'd been insulted at first because the language was foreign to me. I used Google to translate thinking I might be making a friend with someone from another country. I was so wrong. When I saw the translation I came back to see the use of English "F... You" that was very clear. I copy pasted into a user report. It was so very strange because the game wasn't anonymous and the user has been around for awhile and we had never played or chatted before.
I meant baffling not bluffing, it might very well be that you haven't been insulted, since you speech was in a form as if you haven't due to that "could be", but I find it hard to believe.

But there are ways to avoid insults. 1. avoid cheaters (I have already written how I predict cheaters and avoid them beforehand) - since cheater already has lacking morals in outplaying everyone with an engine - so he won't have problems in insulting you too
2. as I have seen the probability of your opponent being an insult troll is in inverse-proportion to the amount of time for game, 0+1 being the worst control where most players are like that, but not all of course. 3. block them as soon as you see the insult/game ends - this will minimize the exposure and make their game little less interesting 4. generally insult troll target more when they have seen that the player is active in chat, this is unfortunate, but yes if they won't see you using chat, they will be less likely to target you, since there is a probability you don't read it and/or won't answer the troll to confirm how well his insult worked, though I don't advice not to use chat at all

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