
Tactic puzzles ratings

maybe it is, alternate accounts, but because i forget my password not gaming the system.
Well what I'm saying is, while you may get the same puzzle multiple times, it only affects your tactics rating once. So basically you'd have to have seen it over and over again without actually doing the puzzle for that to matter.
When I first started doing puzzles I seemed to get quite a few smothered mates, always it was a checkmate problem or nab the queen.

Now the problems seem to have got harder and not always obvious the objective. Trapping a rook with pawns, going for promotion or winning material somehow even when it looks like a possible mate is close at hand.

My rating is up and down like a yo-yo with these, but now instead of just playing the first move that looks good I try and spend some time and solve the whole thing in my head before moving anything. It still fails sometimes but I think I learn more that way.
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it might just be that more good players are using the site. that would alter the quality of the pool and thus change folks elo.

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