
Correspondance "Sandbagging"

I recently got a message from Lichess saying that I was sandbagging. However, I just forgot to play my correspondence games and lost on time.
If you would have done it on purpose, it would be called sandbagging because of lowering your rating.

If you forgot to move/let the time run out, you were (not on purpose, but still technically) sandbagging because of lowering your rating.
@Mikaschach2021 said in #1:
> I recently got a message from Lichess saying that I was sandbagging. However, I just forgot to play my correspondence games and lost on time.

It was just a warning nothing too serious. If they ban your account or even temporairly ban it, then contact appeals and get them involved. Make sure to play your games :)
I received the same message. I lose games because I suck. Dont get how it would benefit anyone to lose on purpose. Lol.
@Xsuxa said in #4:
> [...] Dont get how it would benefit anyone to lose on purpose. Lol.

Guess you're a 2000 rated player, loose on purpose/lower your rating and then go play and win <1500-arena tournaments (just one example) - messing up the tourney AND other's ppls rating points, too.
Not even close to "2000" Jack! I just want to have fun and enjoy the game. I am not seeking a monetary prize or pursuing a career in chess. Don't accuse - don't fire your gun unless you have bullets in it pal, because now you are just flappin' your gums!
Play unrated correspondence then, no ratings, if you time out, no problem, but in reality, your opponent wants a game of chess, not to win because someone aborts.
@Xsuxa said in #6:
> Not even close to "2000" Jack! I just want to have fun and enjoy the game. I am not seeking a monetary prize or pursuing a career in chess. Don't accuse - don't fire your gun unless you have bullets in it pal, because now you are just flappin' your gums!

I don't know why you...
...a) give thumbs down to almost every post in the whole forum (looks kinda trolly, at least to me) and
...b) take my posting personally - I just answered your question about "how it would benefit ANYONE! to lose on purpose".
I didn't say YOU would act like that but you can be sure, there are some players trying those tricks on and on again.

Bye (thumbs down?)
Nothing better to do huh bub? I answered you and that is all. Seems that YOU are the troll! Maybe you should get out more and get a life! You are bothersome with your pointless points.

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