
LiChess Puzzles

In every puzzle, computer prefer checks over captures or threats.
It's a matter of priorities orders.
Every time there's a complaint like this, people never actually post an example puzzle.

If you think the answer is wrong, don't just huff. Maybe take the time to play out your moves in Stockfish. You'll find it likely found a response you didn't consider and as such the preferred move is better.

It's insanely arrogant to suggest otherwise, but if you really do think a puzzle is wrong, please post the damn thing rather than vaguely crying that puzzles are broken.
i refreshed the page and cant see it again.
but if u get some puzzeles to stockfish as a chsllegene it denies the chalennge
I haven't seen one problem at all with any puzzles up to the 2700 level. Some problems will be harder than others and that's simply just some motifs your familiar with and others you aren't. I've used chesstempo,, and lichess in my opinion has the most realistic problems that correlate to a real blitz or rapid game. I'll use chesstempo for practicing longer combinations and vision but lichess for purposes of blitz and rapid is hands down the best puzzles.
#27 all cant be the similar.
look at your hand, are all the fingers Similaar, i said it was my fault and not lichess.
some dont know mate in 1 - find it difficult
others dont know something, all cant be perfect

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