
Search "user:ZugAddict"

88 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - I have an Opinion about Hans Niemann#29

@tedwong said in #25: > What's the point of this blog? I just wanted make some graphs and promote my latest single. I leave the deeper insights for my twitch stream.

NM ZugAddict
Community Blog Discussions - I have an Opinion about Hans Niemann#7

@emporas said in #6: > Some days ago, i lost maybe 10 games in a row, and i scored an easy and lucky win against a slightly lower rating opponent. Sure enough, "Ok Niemman" was his response in the cha…

NM ZugAddict
Community Blog Discussions - I have an Opinion about Hans Niemann#4

@PxJ said in #3: > Why is the color of fuel efficiency of Norwegian vehicles since 2013 not matching the graph? To better illustrate the difference in industrial pollution over that time frame through…

NM ZugAddict
Community Blog Discussions - I have an Opinion about Hans Niemann#1

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NM ZugAddict
Community Blog Discussions - The Niemann Twitch Trials#8

@cmplx said in #6: > You criticize accuracy not being the only metric correlating with skill level, yet you dont provide alternative well defined metrics. > I mentioned several, such as winning or tyi…

NM ZugAddict
Community Blog Discussions - The Niemann Twitch Trials#5

@kasparovbab said in #4: > GM Susan Polgar tweeted some interesting stats who speak by itself ... > I do find these things suspicious and I'd…

NM ZugAddict
Community Blog Discussions - The Niemann Twitch Trials#3

A) is a general observation about the differences between the two approaches. Computers examine more actual positions and humans use various less quantifiable methods to compensate. That computer prog…

NM ZugAddict
Community Blog Discussions - The Niemann Twitch Trials#1

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NM ZugAddict
General Chess Discussion - Ways to beat strong players#3

How are we defining "Strong"?

NM ZugAddict
General Chess Discussion - Positional Chess Puzzles#9

Mark Dvoretsky has a book called "Positional Chess" which seems almost deliberately designed to demoralize anyone under, I dunno, 2400.

NM ZugAddict