
Search "user:nogenius"

95 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - This is where all the magic happens ...#2

Is all the beer for after a win, or before a loss?

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Lichess Feedback - Idea for slowing down very new engine abusers in tourneys - "puzzle tournaments" hybrid ?!#15

If you'd forced me to play bullet, I'd probably have left. I can't even really play blitz without an increment. Maybe instead of mate in #, something like the opening training might be better (a posit…

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Game analysis - Longest Lichess game you have ever played#17

92 moves, and I only won because black made the last blunder. (But the reason that I was losing for most of the game is because I made an unnecessary queen sacrifice - I think I'd just read The Best G…

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General Chess Discussion - favorite thing in chess#24

@rise_UIED if the only objective is not to lose, then it's probably easier to play for a draw as white, because you start with some notional advantage. Presumably black would be more eager to accept t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Choose a Chess mentor, dead or alive.#10

#8 I'd not really want a conversation with Bobby Fischer, even though he was a great player.
