
Search "user:AJ1337"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is it cheating to look through your enemy's past games in the 30 seconds before the game starts?#2

Y'all are laughing but I'm serious. What if I made a browser plugin that automatically searches through their games and instantly finds a list of their weakest openings? It would be allowed as long as…

General Chess Discussion - Is it cheating to look through your enemy's past games in the 30 seconds before the game starts?#1

When you queue for a game on Lichess, the game doesn't start until white makes a move. During that 30 second pre-game period, would it be cheating if I quickly scrolled through my opponent's recent ga…

Lichess Feedback - We should be able to propose a takeback to a given move rather than just one move.#4

They might be less rare if they didn't require trust in many situations :) But yeah, I can't see a clean way to fit such a thing into the UI. There probably isn't one.

Lichess Feedback - We should be able to propose a takeback to a given move rather than just one move.#1

I just played a game with a guy who blundered a knight in the opening. He didn't quit though, and I blundered my queen to him 2 moves later. I proposed in chat that we take back all the way to the poi…

Lichess Feedback - Is there a way to see why I got a warning?#1

I received a warning message from lichess: "Lichess is intended to be a pleasant environment for everyone. Offensive language - which includes swearing, abuse, and harassment - is forbidden." But the …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess looks blurry#5

@DANIELLE53 Can you see the difference too or is it just me?

Lichess Feedback - Lichess looks blurry#3

@AnonymousChessKing It is probably very difficult to notice in this picture, but this is how it looks today: But compare to this screenshot from my computer awhile ago.…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess looks blurry#1

It's like somebody turned on anti-aliasing on the pieces or something... I'm on here every day and the board looks noticeably blurrier today. Either that or my eyes are going bad. Anybody else?
