
Search "user:nrrrd"

17 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#23

@supertorpe said in #19: > @nrrrd Fixed in v3.0.3! Thanks. I'll remember this every time I play the BN endgame!

General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#17

Thank you to @supertorpe for this great resource. I enjoy using it. One very small gripe however. There is a 'knight and bishop' entry in the left hand menu. However, if you want to train the basic kn…

Community Blog Discussions - 11 things I did to take my USCF rating from 1547 to 1976#30

Thank you for an extremely useful article with refreshing ideas that are off the beaten track. It might be a game changer for me, at least that is what I hope. You mentioned somewhere above in the dis…

Lichess Feedback - Buttons seem reversed in openings book when in light mode#1

Since the last restart, I noticed that it is possible to analyze a single players opening repertoire. Great feature, I appreciate the good work. However there seems to be a minor issue with light mode…

General Chess Discussion - What about chess makes you laugh?#10

When someone tries the Englund gambit on me and hangs their queen eight moves later.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles with rating off showing "undefined" on completed puzzle tiles#4

Issue appears to be resolved. Many thanks to whoever solved it!

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles with rating off showing "undefined" on completed puzzle tiles#2

Same problem occurs in puzzle streak

Lichess Feedback - The table base appears to be down#2

Issue existed for an hour or so. Disappeared within 2 minutes after reporting it here....

Lichess Feedback - The table base appears to be down#1

It could be my setup. But this morning the table base was working fine. With a few pieces on the board it listed all the DTZs and DTMs nicely. Suddenly that does not seem to work anymore. Clicking the…

Lichess Feedback - Bug - Cant move pieces#2

It looks like you are pressing the right mouse button instead the left.
