
Lichess Liga 4B Team Battle | LICHESS DISCORD SERVER/2300 BLITZ!

lichess is a open site free for anyone with over unlimited sources filled with articles, videos, blogs, games, recaps, and of course tournaments but how can we spice them up? how about making team tournaments and pitting them to make it more fun? well thats what we are going to talk about today as i recap the Lichess Liga 4B Team Battle in which i entered alongside the official lichess discord that i highly recommend to join for the community in general

teams are a feature thats like a club which has the ability to be used from anything like hosting events, fanbases, sponsors, analysis, communication and more. yesterday was a special day as i joined the OFFICIAL Lichess discord server which i highly recommend again everyone to join as its a super interactive way to get in touch with the community and all those who love it. from there i was informed today about the Liga team battle and joined going for slow fast chess and momentum as this was 3+2 and i could think
at the start of the event it was pretty much very comfortable and not much was lost until i had to go get McDonalds so i pretty much paused the tournament and then came forward once more. the most exciting moment was when i got paired against a 2500 Lichess CM named @GKANSK and i claimed a draw cause like come on this is a special moment and of course anyone would be happy with a draw lol

the tournament ended on a great note with me gaining a good blitz peak, having a happy day along with everyone in the lichess discord server and i managed to get a new ROLE, how exciting for me anyways thanks everyone for enjoying this blog and have a incredible night cya guys GG ️