IM Satsanga Lichess coach picture

IM Christian Toth

Improve your game through chess principles, basic study and self knowledge.

LocationRio de Janeiro Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, English (US), Español
RatingFIDE: 235423502303
Hourly rateIf you are a cool person we make a deal ;-)
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Good question ;-)
I am a soul having a physical experience living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Father of Satya and Ravi.
Degree in Psychology.
I believe chess is for self knowledge and education, games and tournaments are just a small part of the game.

Playing experience

I play since 4 years old.
Top Elo 2420 in 1993 I guess it will be more them 2500 if we adjust to nowadays,
Always an amateur player.
Coach of Brazilian Chess Olympic Games in 1992 Manila, 2000 Istanbul e 2002 Bled
2th place in Latin America Final Bogota 1992
Title of International Master in 1993
Brazilian Junior Champion 1983
Reached Brazilian Quarter Finals in 2018 Finals but lost to GM Mecking in Play off.

Teaching experience

I teach here and there for the last 25 years
Best Result I guess was as the Second of GM Giovanni Vescovi during his peak time.
Now teaching in Schools in Rio de janeiro, Brazil.

Other experiences

Psychologist since 2006.
Travelled around the world.
Ex-Owner of a educational company

Best skills

In Chess I guess my best understanding are the classical strategy , openings and the logic of the game,
Also a deep study in the Historical development on chess strategy.
In teaching I guess is to understand where the student is and help him express himself and his ideas, not to follow my ideas of chess but his.

Teaching methodology

First understand where you are.
Them talk about what I see.
Reach a common conclusion.
Develop a Plan of study,
Work from there.