
Are Bullet games worth playing?

I don't think it is useful because you go so quick so then you start doing that in ten minute games and you don't know where The other person is moving.
You must, it's a pleasure to play, fun, you will forgot the importance of the rating and improve your reflex. But do not take bullet serious if you want to improve slow controls
It tangentially helps with "real" chess (classical) in three main regards:
1. tactical sharpness
2. positional intuition
3. exposure (very high games/unit time)

It's mostly for fun though.
A the other games are negligible bullet can help you play positional but classical is the only form that has chess as the only means to success the others can be improved by non chess concepts.
Have the World Championship decided by a biltz game is ludicrous..
"worth playing" is very subjective in nature and it all depends on what you want out of chess. if you're actively trying to improve in rapid for example, you won't necessarily get better by playing bullet chess. on the contrary, if you're just trying to have fun or squeeze in some chess in between breaks bullet is very useful at passing the time. tl;dr do what ever takes you to your goals
Going against the grain but yes, it can help improve your ability to play under pressure and I'll dare to say it can even improve your chess by forcing you to care a little less about openings and more about tactics.

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