
Should ban players who lose on time without moving for last 3+ minutes.

Maybe he's playing from work and suddenly the boss enter the office and stays. Or the baby awakens and starts crying very bad (it takes time to make babies fall asleep, especially when they have a problem).

I've been trough all of this situations, so please stop these calls for banning without reason. When you're young you have plenty o free time and no responsibility. But that will change. You'll see...
I think enough is done about this. Even when I play short blitz tournaments, I get automatic warnings about being banned because I let 30 seconds run out and lose on time. Most of the time, it is simply due to network issues... It is already frustrating enough to receive this warning when you were in a winning position. No need to add more to the pain.
Well, good news for everybody because a code change was made just yesterday (so probably not live yet) that will aggressively ban users who consistently do it in lost positions but don't do it in winning ones.
A code can really check all the statistics when thousands of players are online? Without slowing down lichess? It has to perform game analysis even if they were not asked by the players in order to collect data...
The rules of chess are clear and letting time run out is accepted as one of the rules. Wait for victory or lose. Players at pro level take the time of most blitz games to make just one move.
One thing to let time run out....another altogether when they disconnect....and we can see that. In those situations we get a choice to claim victory but not until after several minutes. Lichess should ban players who disconnect LOST positions on a regular basis. As to what someone else said about playing at work and the boss walks in.....don't play at least not a rated game if you don't have the time. Don't waste OTHER players' time.

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