
What does this Chinese Philosophy mean?

If your opponent is not moving, never make your move. If your opponent is about to make a move, you must make yours first.

Does this mean if your opponent is threatening something, you must act upon that threat, or do something else? But you're doing something anyways.
Chinese philosophy actually means a lot of things, the only problem is that I can't decode it because I'm not Chinese.
What on earth does this mean? If your opponent is not moving, it ́s not your turn anyway, so you can ́t make your move first.

And what do the Chinese know about Chess anyway? Ding Liren is the most colourless and inactive WC we ́ve ever had. Not good for the game.

Give me the Latvian, Cuban, Russian or Norwegian philosophy any day.
It literally just means always stay one step ahead of your opponent.
@keisanki said in #1:
> If your opponent is not moving, never make your move. If your opponent is about to make a move, you must make yours first.
> Does this mean if your opponent is threatening something, you must act upon that threat, or do something else? But you're doing something anyways.

They are talking about Taiwan?
@InkyDarkBird said in #4:
> It literally just means always stay one step ahead of your opponent.

And that ́s supposed to be exclusively Chinese? Why haven ́t they been at the top for decades?
Maybe he ́ll come up with an answer

LMAO; thumbs down from the OP for my first reply. Let ́s see if we get a text reply with explanation.
@Wasted_Youth said in #8:
> Maybe he ́ll come up with an answer
> LMAO; thumbs down from the OP for my first reply. Let ́s see if we get a text reply with explanation.

Your reply is off-topic. Also fails to recognize the concept of a waiting move.
@keisanki said in #9:
> Your reply is off-topic. Also fails to recognize the concept of a waiting move.

No way off topic; which themes did I introduce which have nothing to do with your thesis?

What are you trying to tell us - that the Chinese invented, perfected and have a monopoly on the understanding of the concept of a waiting move? Karpov was the master in this field, and I don ́t believe he had Chinese genes.

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