
Chess art for the home office

Chess is my passion. I decided to put two or three pictures on the wall of my office where I do my business job. I was thinking of photos from grandmaster games, maybe a black and white drawing of a player over the board or a painting. It could also be more abstract. Maybe I can find a large format ad from a prestigious tournament.

Do you have any suggestions?
Chess problems make a lovely wall hanging.

There are a near-infinitude of lovely chess problems that could be turned into a tempoary, constantly-changing, wall hanging.

How about one of the positions shortly before checkmate in Morphy vs. allies at the opera -- perhaps the most famous game in history?

Long have I gazed at particular positions from history, thinking: how beautiful.

I fear that chess history no longer gets the time it deserves. Winning isn't everything. Glory in those who brought us to where we are.
The point I'm making is this: you have a WORLD of selection with chess.

Every. Single. World. Champion. Is fascinating.

Every. One.

What does it take to become the entire planet's leader at an intellectual blood sport?

Whatever it is, it deserves to be hung on a wall. Pick out a picture. Pick out a position. Display it. Have a story, of your OWN making, ready to explain it. Then ... relax. It's good.
I have a poster from a tournament that I went to: the World Chess Festival in St. John, New Brunswick in 1988. The image is a painting of a young man sitting, resting his chin on one hand. the position on the board in front of him is from a game between Kasparov and Nigel Short played about a year earlier. I don't know why the young man looks so glum, he's sitting behind the white pieces. Sets the mood for my room quite nicely. If only I could get my wife to let me put up more paintings and posters and photos.

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