
Fantastic ideas about romance mafia thriller story?

Share me your best ideas.This is just for relaxing mind:D
Underground cop falls in love with the female assassin he was meant to put in jail. Together, they steal millions from the mafia bosses, kill the corrupt cops that are after them, fake their own deaths and run away to live in an island paradise for the rest of their lives.
It was just a cliche story to me. No offense, yeah, buddy. Story about falling in love with your enemy and running away together is really cliche. There is no plot twist to make readers feel amazed.
@QISTINA13 said in #3:

OK how about this:

Underground cop falls in love with the female assassin he was meant to put in jail. Together, they steal millions from the mafia bosses, kill the corrupt cops that are after them, fake their own deaths and run away to live in an island paradise planning to stay there for the rest of their lives. Then they go swiming and both get mangled by a shark and die.
@QISTINA13 said in #5:
> Ohh man!That was the best funny romance mafia thriller I ever read in my all life.

Really? I don't think it was THAT good myself. But thanks a lot!
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@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #4:
> OK how about this:

OK. you might have been able to write the plot that saves a "romance mafia thriller"

Only spin that I like better. Sharks no needed. She kills him in the island, and escapes. After all she was an assassin. He, not she, fell in love. The plot twist that is fundamentally not a twist, at all.
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@IAHMCOL said in #8:
> OK. you might have been able to write the plot that saves a "romance mafia thriller"
> Only spin that I like better. Sharks no needed. She kills him in the island, and escapes. After all she was an assassin. He, not she, fell in love. The plot twist that is fundamentally not a twist, at all.

That's like a film noir, they always end like that. Like it is revealed she planned to use the hero for her plans all the time and kill him and take all the money for heself.

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