
Is a pizza a sandwich?

That's a good point
But according to scientific fact ( which I copied from Google)

A pizza is definitely a sandwich. It has all the key components of a sandwich, including two pieces of bread (the crust), some sort of filling (usually cheese and sauce), and various toppings. Plus, you can eat a pizza with your hands, just like a sandwich
@Frogster64 said in #8:
> You can't put pineapple in a sandwich. Therefore, pizza is not a sandwich.

Still,You can put pineapple in a pizza.
> Still,You can put pineapple in a pizza.

Interesting idea. We should have a debate on this.
If we fold pizza and eat all the side it will become sandwich
The real question is:
Is a sandwich a pizza?
Because if a pizza is a sandwich and a sandwich is not a pizza, then there the pizza is not a sandwich.
But if the pizza is not a sandwich, the sandwich doesnt exist.
But if the sandwich is a pizza, and a pizza is a sandwich, then both exist at the same time.
If both exist at the same time, why dominoes and subway are different stores if they sell the same thing but its not the same thing?

And a more important question. Why Gamora?
People like to name things.
Sometimes the variant of something deserves a different name.
Is chess 960 still chess?
Are chess variants still a form of chess?
So a variant of a sandwich can be a pizza, especially if the pizza is folded so that there is bread on both sides like a sandwich. You could also say the pizza is an "open-faced sandwich".
Seems to me a sandwich has bread on both sides of the filling or else it's named something like "open-faced sandwich".
Words are add describe the sandwich.
Some might use different names simply to describe
... a look;
... an effect;
... even what is in it or on it.
... it's origin.

Take a slice of brown bread, put your pizza ingredients on it. Then call it an open-faced brown pizza.
Which of the two words came first? Something like Chess ... Chess960.

The word "Pizza" has Latin roots. (wiki/Pizza)
The word "Sandwich" has English roots. (wiki/Sandwich)

Maybe it's all in the naming of the breads.
My guess is: flatbread is often used for pizza's, while a slice of bread is often used for sandwich's.
Most likely the first pizza was made from flatbreads, and not from sliced breads.

The presentation of the bread makes all the difference.
Flatbreads ... Sliced breads ... Pre-sliced breads.

Maybe it's in the dough or the crust. If it looks like a pizza, it's a pizza. If it looks like a sandwich, it's a sandwich.
If you remove the crust around a pizza or a sandwich you are left with the tender stuff. After removing the crust, wrap your mouth around it and eat it. Then take the crust and dip it in a bowl of hot sauce.

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