
What are the best tips you can give for playing a 3-days tournament ?

Motivation - be motivated and don't stress
Focus- be focused on your game, don't care about a result, just play your game and enjoy
Skills- train your skills before the tournament, remember your usual opening repertory and sharp your tactics skills by playing puzzle on Lichess before the tournament
Whatever routine you do to play live chess do that on your tournament days. Replicate that behavior.
get plenty of sleep before hand.
remember to hydrate, but take it easy on the caffeine. Likewise, feed yourself but take it easy on the fast/junk food.
If you're driving to another town, be sure to check your car and fill the tank a day or two ahead.
turn off your mobile phone.
go to have fun. That includes socializing a bit in the skittles room. Just take it easy on the speed chess. You don't want to spoil all your opening surprises.
@verylate said in #4:
> [...] turn off your mobile phone. [...]

That's an important one!

Make sure you know it really won't make any noise even if turned off, too. If you don't trust the thing, leave it outside the tournament hall with a friend! GM Nigel Short once forfeited a game because his phone made a noise during play even though it was turned off.
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Thank you for the answers ! I will take notes of it.
During a tournament, I like to wake up and just solve 5 or more "easy" tactical puzzles and then start my day by taking Cold showers while it may be painful it is very good for improving your attention and focus. Try to meditate before every game you play (I was inspired to meditate by GM Vidit Gujrathi) Meditation helps in keeping the focus during your game. I think if its a 3day Classical tournament you'll have 3 rounds per day so I recommend after each round have a short nap because Classical games can be quite exhausting and you need to recharge your batteries.
proper diet. You don't want to be digesting a meal while you are playing chess. That takes blood away from the brain. Be careful about white sugar. Also deep sleep (as opposed to R.E.M. sleep) makes for better chess.

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