
Rating statistics

yes just click ur profile, then choose the specific time control, and there will be sth like " u r better than how many percents of players". just click that and a cumulative frequency graph will be shown
I'm not good with statistics, but when it says that you are a better player than 7% of the players, are you then a good player?

See. 48 thousand players. You are better than 93 percent. So 48000 divided by 100 is 480 players. is 1 percent. Now 480 multiplied by 7 is equal to 3360 players. You in 3000 of the best players.
Grandpatzer13 asked what it meant if the stats rated you as being better than 7% of players. By my reckoning that means 93% of players would be higher rated. Now looking at this player's stats, it seems the rating is 1986 or ranked 3923 out of about 48,000. I think what Grandpatzer13 meant to ask was "if the site rating stats show that 7% of players are better than you, then are you a good player?
Good is highly subjective as a 1,300 rated player would regard you as a chess God but a 2,600 player would say you were an easy beat pleb. IMO, it's not the rating that really counts but if you are pleased with your effort and enjoy playing chess. I don't think preoccupation with rating will improve play but may actually distract from better play and concentration. Focus on improving game play and the ratings will come.
When it says: "You are better than x% of the players", does it mean then the players then on the server, or everybody who ever made a handle, played a few games, and disappeared?

Obvioulsly, I guess it's about players having a rating on the site.
>> Obvioulsly, I guess it's about players having a rating on the site.

## That's the point, many patzers come on the site, play a few games, get a very low rating, and disappear. But they still have a rating, and they drag down the average rating, and then the message: "You are better than x% of the players" doesn't mean very much.

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