
Is this real?

What else are you supposed to do when you're bored to tears and unemployed? (You have to keep your mind busy somehow. At least whomever runs this "bot" isn't out causing trouble.)

Could also be someone independently wealthy who just sits around playing chess because ... why spend the money when you can sit at home and be entertained?

I could very easily see my stats looking like that if I had the money to just sit around, or didn't have to worry about money and couldn't find a job, etc...

Could be any number of things.

+1 to @german11
Yet, after 200k rated games, his bullet rating is still provisional LOL
German 11 is a good guy. Looks like he loves chess more than anything you and I love in our lives. In a fair world he would earn a salary from Lichess just for play here.
I believe (correct me if I'm wrong): Your rating is provisional based on your RD. So, if your Glicko RD (ratings deviation) bounces over 100 too often, it'll look suspicious.

I think there might be something over in the FAQ area that covers this.

How can this happen? Play a bunch of games. Lose a bunch in a row. Then win a bunch in a row ... causes your RD to bounce, instead of the normal ebb-and-flow of winning-some, losing-some. (And sometimes you have streaks, other times you bounce around a lot. If you have big bounces in one direction or another, too often, it'll screw with the RD.)

I think that's how it goes, but, I could be wrong. Check the FAQ section for "Glicko" and "RD" or "Ratings Deviation" terms. (There's a question mark when you hover over the dashed underline in your profile.)
Maybe he (or she) is a kid who does not need to have a job, gets very little homework, does not like or have other video games, and has parents who let him (or her) play a lot on Lichess.
But he's been a member for almost 6 years. So 400 days is like only 5 hours a day. But every single day.

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