
What is your favourite irregular response to 1.e4?

@chess_tactic2017 After Qa5?! dxc5! += because black has to take with queen because on Bxc5? then b4 +- . After instead Qb6, if then dxc5?! then black can take with bishop and has a nice pos. Thats the difference.
@nh78 After dxc5 we can take with queen Qxc5!
White's pawn e5 became very weak. And black will be attacking it
@chess_tactic2017 White can protect his pawn e5 with Nf3, Qe2, Re1. I give an example:

White has more space and can use d4 for his pieces.

Black has no good place for his king. On king side white will attack him with g3 and h4-h5. On queenside with b4, a4-a5, b5. And if king stays in center then f4-f5 will do the job. Notice also how the Nd4 prevents f7-f6 because e6 would get lost.

All in all, black has no good ideas how to free his game. His space disadvantage is permanent. His only hope is to exchange Bd7 against Bd3, for example via b5, but white can prevent this with a4 for example, or he can play Qe3 and Bc2.
I prefer the Modern defence to the Owen defence. In the Owen defence, the bishop attacks the E4 square which has already been occupied, where as the modern defence seems to be more to do with thinking about what your opponent might do...

??? against the modern white usually plays d4, and it's already occupied then....

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