
Stronghold (New Variant Suggestion)

It starts out with normal piece and pawn placement but with these rules:

1: If a piece(Pawns and pieces promoted from a pawn are excluded) is under attack ( By an opponents piece, pawn OR King ) That piece is no longer legally allowed to move OR capture. even though the piece is no longer able to capture it may still "Attack" other pieces.
p.s: This rule also applies to both kings

2: The King may Move into "check" IF the following requirements are met:
-Every piece involved in the "check" is either under Attack by a piece\pawn OR is placed under attack by the King.
Example: A king may move beside another king (K@e4 moves to E5 even though blacks king is on E6 and blacks QUEEN is on D6, however neither king would be able to move away from the other or capture the other, same goes for the black queen)

-The space the king moves to is NOT under "attack" by a pawn OR
a piece that has been promoted from a pawn.

3: If the King is in check (the piece attacking the king is not under attack) then there are only 3 Legal ways to avoid checkmate
-Interposition(place a piece\pawn in the way of the attacking piece)

-Capture(Taking your opponents piece or pawn)

-Assault (Placing the attacker under attack)

Note: Assault is not a legal response to check if the attacker is a Pawn or a piece promoted from a pawn.

4: Rule of King: If your king is the only white( OR black) "piece" left on the board the game is declared a stalemate(A win for the stalemated player), and here's why : If your king was placed in check you would technically have no legal moves, the only way your opponent can "capture" the king would be if he placed the king in checkmate while you could move another piece or pawn.

5: a stalemate is counted as a win for the stalemated player (same as anti chess).

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