
Bullet or classical to be better at standard chess?

What's better? Bullet or classical chess for getting good at chess? I would appreciate if 2000+ or 2500+ players answer in detail but answers from everyone else are also welcomed and much appreciated.
Classical is the best because you can think of better moves than you do from bullet. In bullet everyone has to rush and make blunders. There is no chance of making mistake if you think and play like you play in classical, especially the 2000+ rated players
@ATOZ47 said in #1:
> What's better? Bullet or classical chess for getting good at chess? I would appreciate if 2000+ or 2500+ players answer in detail but answers from everyone else are also welcomed and much appreciated.
Blitz. Bullet is good for reflex. Classical is just the standard of OTB
Classical is better than bullet when practicing standard chess. You have more time to think about your moves, bullet is like what CSKA said, reflex.
None of the other time limits

are won on chess concepts you cannot use bullet for training it is a child's game for twitch streamers and addiction and no better than ping pong
i would say bullet as long u can make a move fast so you dont overthink stuff but if you want to use a long time to get the real best move and have something good to study what u should have done in different positions i would say that classical is better.
bullet is only good for training you to see tactics extremely fast so that in a classical game you're not wasting your time looking at all of the possibilities and you just see them, but too much bullet is poisonous - you'll always be better off playing classical if you had to choose.
If you want to get better at chess, playing and analyzing classical games is one of the best ways to do it. However, there is merit to playing blitz too, since it helps you play under time pressure and you can get more games in. But if you play blitz, I would recommend playing with an increment (I like 3+2). Bullet probably isn't going to help you much at all, and may even hurt your chess by making you more impulsive.
Bullet Chess is just for fun, at most to train reflexes and reaction time.
You just make random premoves and reach into a Time Scramble, guaranteed to give you an adrenaline rush.
However Classical Chess helps you think calmly, evaluate the position to look for the best opportunities, and helps you play Chess at your full potential to minimise blunders. It is also the most prestigious form of Chess played in the World Cup.
Overall, once you become good in Classical Chess, you can relax and enjoy Bullet :)
Classical > Bullet
Blitz (5+3) is also a second option if you prefer neither.
I once remember playing Bullet for an entire week before going to an OTB tournament and getting 3/7 score.
Coming from a 2300 rated Bullet player.

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