
New Puzzles are here!

Haven't done that many of the new puzzles, but from the small sample I've done I gotta say it is a great upgrade from the previous puzzle system. Puzzles organized around themes is a great new feature!
Notice how many times it has been played, the ratings will adjust.
Great job,as as usual guys.
A note on a specific puzzle. #Lw5j9 quite an interesting puzzle, just not so clear cut -it stops at 34.exd7 but after 34...Rxg5 35.Re8 Rg6 36.d8=Q+ Nxd8 37.Rxf8 Bxf8 it's a Queen and a pawn for three minor pieces and white seems better but there is lot's of play, black does seem to be on a verge of a fortress, I'm no expert though could be missing something.
I'd appreciate an automatic message telling me which of my games were turned into puzzles, and which puzzles they are. Reassurance that the mess I made did actually result in a contribution :)
I do not know howbut just reaches 2000 plus in puzzles never ever crossed 1800 before
Thanks for the update. However, the previous set was better. The puzzles there were more interesting and challenging. With the current one I got served tasks akin to the one used as captcha to post comments! I am not kidding...Perhaps, it is because users did not yet play a lot the new set and did not stabilise the problems' ratings. But as it stands, I am not happy. You sure have more chances to play an interesting problem when before you the problem was played 100K+ and not 50 times, as it is the case now. Lastly, the previous set had a graphic line showing progress. I miss this feature.
Will there be a timer or puzzle rush feature in future?
Put it on Hardest and getting a bunch of 1700-2100 puzzles at 2600 rating. Maybe just need to wait & the system will sort itself out

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