
Using two hands when moving is considered an illegal move

Oh, this reminds me of an OTB game of mine, in which my opponent made an illegal move (moved other piece though I checked his king in the opening using the bishop. Soon he developed his pieces and castles with 2 hands. Game over.
Actually, the rule is:-
If you are a lefty, press the clock with left hand and write with left only and same goes for right hand. I had been told by an arbiter.
@DonTomaso said in #12:
> Isn't that actually breaking the arbiter rules? Breaking the rythm of play without being asked.
> Doing this kind of small error can be done intentionally to get some extra time for an crucial decision while the arbiter is called and adjusts the clock, etc. So, sometimes the other part chooses to not complain and get the extra minute, to not allow that respite.

The arbiter has to step in in case of illegal moves. Otherwise he will lose his job^^
@KartikeyaSharma0504 said in #22:
> Actually, the rule is:-
> If you are a lefty, press the clock with left hand and write with left only and same goes for right hand. I had been told by an arbiter.

There are not rules concerning the writing.
@Sarg0n said in #24:
> There are not rules concerning the writing.
I have been told by an arbiter this thing only (not talking with rude mood). Maybe there will be different rules in different country.
The rule with castling (non-US rules aside) is that castling (like all moves) must be done with one hand. After all, there are lots of moves that involve more than one piece (namely captures) that are completed with one hand.

And it's universal that the same hand that moves the piece touches the clock.
Not sure using two hands is considered illegal move at least in rules it is not indicated. at least not in classic . Penalty for such action could be the same probably i.e adding 2 minutes to opponents clock or just warning.

Under FIDE rules arbiter should interfere on illegal move and on running out of time. Even to degree that if illegal move is found later games is returned to point priot to illegal move and clock fixed to a degree possible.

But that applies to classical chess. in rapid and blitz one must claim the illegal move.

And to request a move comes down to 2 different cases BUT arbiter does not need to see the move he will verify it from the scoresheet. if game is such that no score sheet if kept then player may request scoresheet at any point to record the moves so that player can in case of dispute give evidence on repetition.

And I am not FIDE arbiter but Finnish Chess fedration arbiter but we do not have our own rules - except for use on large blitz event where fide rules are not practical
@petri999 : I'm sorry to say that the rules in rapid in blitz changed in 2014 in this field.
Now the arbiter may, should and probably will intervene if he or she observes an illegal move or a fallen flag.
I can not point out the rule because before 2014 there was a rule that the arbiter may only intervene after a players complain and this rule has been dropped.

An arbiter has to intervene if he or she observes any violation of the laws of chess according to FIDE. (Rule 12.1)
But he or she does not always has to stop the game.
Most violations of the laws of chess are minor ones which at least in classical games can be addressed if player walks around. The arbiter walks along with the player and talks to him. That's all.

If there is a reoccurence the arbiter will use more drastic methods.
Regarding moving with two hands it is considered an illegal move even in rapid and blitz:

7.5.4 If a player uses two hands to make a single move (for example in case of castling,
capturing or promotion) and pressed the clock, it shall be considered and penalized as if
an illegal move.

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