
All checkmate patterns you know

I am making a list of all common checkmate patterns with name, could you help me please?

- Back rank checkmate
- Rook and Queen checkmate
- King and Queen checkmate
- Dovetail or Cozio's checkmate = when the queen checkmates diagonally because the king is trapped by his own army.
- Anastasia's checkmate = similar to the back rank but it the knight guard the opened squares; it can also happen on a/h files.
- Arabian checkmate = knight on c6 or f6 with rook or queen on a7/b8 h7/g8.
- Boden's checkmate = checkmate when the bishops or queen + bishop cross both King's diagonals.
- Damiano's checkmate = pawn on b6 or g6, you sacrifice the rook on a8 or h8 just to bring the queen and mate on a7/h7.
- Smothered (Philidor's) checkmate = when the knight checkmates the King completely stuck by his own army; the Phillidor's mate is a tricky sequence with a queen sacrifice ending with a smothered checkmate.

These are the ones I remember now. Do you remember any other famous and named checkmate pattern?
King & 2 pawns checkmate
4 pawns checkmate
2 Rooks checkmate
King & 2 Bishop checkmate
King & 3 Knights checkmate
King & Bishop & Knight checkmate

En Passant checkmate
Short castling checkmate
Long castling checkmate
Discovered checkmate
Double checkmate
vukovic mate,
kill box mate,
lawnmower mate,
escalator mate,
blackburne's mate,
lollis mate,
morphys mate,
opera mate,
corner mate,
hook mate,
swine mate

and my favourite - CAPTCHA mate
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Anastacia's mate:

king is on a rank or file
There is an adjacent pawn
a knight blocks the two escapes to the diagnoals
a rook checks

e.g. black king on h5, black pawn on g5, white knight on e5 and a white rook on h2]
@pointlesswindows said in #6:
> Why? There is a lot of checkmates that don't have a name and no pattern.

I won a lot of games by considering the position of my pieces and the checkmate patterns I knew.

Here in this position I'm a piece down, considering it was a 3+0 game, I would never sacrifice my queen if I didn't know and recognize the arabian mate pattern; I did and win.

The more patterns we know, the more we can find winning global plans or punctual combinations, this is very useful.

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