
Search "user:DrBuzzworth"

55 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why do I keep getting high rated puzzles correct, and low rated ones wrong?#3

Brother, if you are 3000+ Puzzle Rating, you know exactly what motifs you struggle with and which ones you are strong with, that's the reason....

Lichess Feedback - Feature request? Puzzles: Moves left.#8

@Codeseven58 said in #6: > PTSD. I'm stuck in fight or flight mode. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me, I am sorry you are going through this. You might be able to take advantage of q…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request? Puzzles: Moves left.#5

@Codeseven58 said in #4: > hypervigilism May I ask for you to explain this a bit? I would like to understand better.

General Chess Discussion - I reached 2200 in Rapid. Help me reach 2300!#28

@sameartist said in #26: > @DrBuzzworth > > My puzzle rating is 2000, because I tilted at some point, but I can easily reach 2400-2500 in puzzles, but it means nothing. Brother, you tilted daily betwe…

General Chess Discussion - Hard Puzzle Test#5

This is not a chess puzzle.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request? Puzzles: Moves left.#2

You could try "Mate-in-#" preselected puzzles, so you know you have 1, 2, 3, or 4 moves to go. In general, your suggested feature would be a crutch that ends up slowing your progress. I absolutely lov…

Community Blog Discussions - A Fun Attack Vs. The Slav#2

I love the Nimzo Larsen, and it was great to see your g-pawn used as bait to open a very nice file, and then the h-pawn and f-pawn following suit to absolutely bait and weaken everything so you could …

General Chess Discussion - I reached 2200 in Rapid. Help me reach 2300!#24

No offense brother, but if you're only 2000 puzzle rating after 8,000 puzzles you are not spending enough time on calculation. You are rushing and missing the theme of the puzzle, which means your int…

Community Blog Discussions - Normalized Popularity Scores of Selected Chess Puzzle Themes on Lichess#9

@MellifluousSky said in #3: > All I know is that at the 2600 level, the puzzles get on my last nerves. Some days I'll go 5 or 6 out of 10. Others...0 - 4 on the first four tries. Any mental fatigue an…

Lichess Feedback - A puzzle with two solutions#2

If you run Lichess' own analysis on the opening position of this puzzle, it shows the following for the top 3 candidate moves: -8.2 -6.4 +4.7 Even though there are still two "winning moves" it's up to…
