
Search "user:Genesisystem"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month March - Contest#113

Behold! The kings gambit, featuring a strong center a crushing attack and a glorious victory!

General Chess Discussion - Tips on how to get past/to 1400 elo#1

I've been playing chess for almost half a year now and am currently sitting at mid 1300 elo in rapid. I understand most tactics fairly well and can usually spot and use them in my games. I know I have…

Game analysis - Possibly my favorite Game#3 Thanks for the insight, I guess I am just wondering how one gets past the 1300-1400 mark, I feel like I know and apply most if not all tactics usually when possible, yet I…

Game analysis - Goofy ahh game (really damn good for my standards) (1500 rated player)#6

@Thatonefrog said in #1: > > What could I have done better? 22. Bxf7 gives check and wins their rook

Game analysis - Possibly my favorite Game#1

https:/ Above is the link to the game (I could not figure out how to add the actual game) This is my first game in which I really felt like my game was a piece of art and while i d…

Game analysis - Opinions on further development of this playstyle#15

I personally love this sort of "style" that you play as (considering I play simarily) and there is nothing wrong with trying to continue playing with this style, but you shouldn't let this style get i…

Game analysis - Guess the elo#15

White: 900 Black : 1000
