
Search "user:MathematicChess"

233 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Donald Trump and the coronavirus#217

Does COVID-19 stick to the mask at all? (Just curious, not a debate). Would you be susceptible to it when you take the mask off? I don’t get the people that wear gloves but never change them... the on…

Off-Topic Discussion - Donald Trump and the coronavirus#195

Thanks @Komokid

Off-Topic Discussion - Donald Trump and the coronavirus#192

Ah, so he only plays casual...

Off-Topic Discussion - Donald Trump and the coronavirus#191

@tigerprowl When you look at obladie's profile does it look like he has played any games?

General Chess Discussion - Horsey Has Swag#9

Why Rasputin?

Game analysis - Interesting game, mainly bc i had a really good play partner!#22

Yeah, and he can always take with Check before recapturing your queen

Game analysis - Interesting game, mainly bc i had a really good play partner!#18

In the first game, your opponent missed Qb6 move 13

Game analysis - A perfect game#10

That would be difficult to find... but I could look.... my games only get better and better. If you want to see good blitz games that you can study from just watch the top rated games.

Off-Topic Discussion - Donald Trump and the coronavirus#186

What in the world, am I incorrect when your profile says you haven't played any games? Am I? What is this 'logic' you live by? In fact I am practically agreeing with you on everything about the fact t…

Game analysis - A perfect game#8

Wdym? I've played countless games here. Thousands. I've watched Carlsen for hours. I don't mean any criticism whatsoever. I don't know what in the world you are talking about. I haven't entered FIDE y…
