
Search "user:Rairden"

361 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Making deleting variations easier#3

I asked reddit for help. They came up with this: It works and I'll use it for now until it's improved.…

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Lichess Feedback - Making deleting variations easier#2

I would love if there was a hotkey for "Delete from here". Instead of right-clicking, then using the mouse to click a button. It could just be say the DEL key. In chessbase, or fritz, you can easily h…

Lichess Feedback - Give seek option to exclude "1500?" in casual.#1

Problem: I choose ± 250 points for the seek range and half the time I'm getting provisional 1500? players who are much stronger than a 1500; they are usually experts or 2000's. What if we want to play…

General Chess Discussion - Macbooks vs PCs for play performance#6

I don't like privacy and telemetry bullshit with Windows 10. But damn nothings beats its performance for lichess---butter smooth piece animation. It looks like it renders the pieces dragged w/ mouse a…

General Chess Discussion - Magnus is playing live vs. ChessBrah... Now on lichess TV. 1/2 0#6

You can learn so much even from their bullet matches. How to play properly. I loved when MC flagged Eric; Eric had less than 1-2 seconds left, so MC just threw in a random queen sac Qa8! To force a lo…

General Chess Discussion - Tortoise icon for classical games. Rude.#38

I also agree slow chess should die a fast death. Mostly because it's just a board game, and you can still get quality games with 5+0 games. Just look at the quality, and rich tactics & battles in GM b…

Off-Topic Discussion - People who LOVE to travel.#5

Yeah it's really annoying hearing people talking about "traveling". Usually the leisure class (aka 16-24 year old pretty girls) that don't have to work and love telling the world how much they enjoy t…

Lichess Feedback - Another new rating category#5

We want a nice user interface that is simple to read/understand, not a science textbook dissecting everything into 100 parts. 3 time controls is nice, 4 is better but it's aesthetically worse and incr…
