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3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - any way to go back to the old view?#12

#6 yes u can resize board, but u cant resize everything else. It broke my heart when i opened lichess today. I really loved v1 style, now I dont see any reasons to not choose other chess sites.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess v2 - feedback#11

This update was created to adress the issue with different browsers and devices. Mobile users should love it, because now lichess has adapted to mobile browsers. And that is great! Pc users on other h…

Lichess Feedback - any way to go back to the old view?#2

Upvoting this. Lichess previous design was perfect. Now all elements are too big (playing on chrome in 1920x1200 resolution). I understand the reason why lichess needed an update, but this version cre…
