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I know it's a lot of work, and In fact I already have lichess working on my local machine. Now I'm preparing it for deploying as reverted to v1. Also need to wait for DNS propagation for a newly bought domains. I do not plan to support it whatsoever.

Fun fact. Just out of curiosity, i fiddled around with v2 (live version), and in timespan of 20 minutes, I improved dark theme by far and here are screens of example home page:


I know it may cost even thousands of dollars per month, but some features probably won't be available on my server. Also I don't expect such high volume as has at this moment. So I believe I can handle it. If not, then it will fail.

The code will live here (I don't expect many changes, except using additional branch for v1)
@urbanski Makes sense yes. Syntax differences a bit but HLL's (high programming languages) are essential all the same. Once you're ready && starting contact me.
@urbanski boy, you're so funny)) Look at the example with the dude: “McDonalds” changed the composition of the hamburger, and one fine morning a man crashes into “McDonalds”, orders a hamburger and vomits) He runs into a coat and shouts: “I don’t like the new hamburger, I have money and I create my cheburechny, where the old hamburgers will be.) "Seeing this eccentric guy, what do you think of him)?

who wants to open something = do it silently))

Listen, yesterday one dude shouted that the site is crappy, and he is looking for a password on I remember this guy, today I find him and see how he plays the lichess)) well, not a clown))?

who wants to leave - he leaves silently). Now there are many dissatisfied, but very few people are ready to return to v1. in a week they won't be there at all).

if you really want to create a V1 - think very well. but if you create, let me know, I will write on the V1 forum "what a pathetic and old site. Boy, are you stuck in the past" ahahahahaha

be healthy !
@Aprikose You should calm down. Your messages start to have less and less sense.

I don't care who shouted what.

"do it silently", "who wants to leave - he leaves silently"

But this topic is the opposite. It's for getting feedback if there is any demand for such thing. It's about to make it loud and noticeable.

"in a week they won't be there at all"

I don't care. If there will be nobody. Fine, even better.

I won't discuss it with you any more, you probably are still just a kid.

You studied experience

It was the same + best implementation of the Bughouse chess. This can be seen as it was in the records on YouTube. Tournaments were in 2017 and probably later. I can give you developer contacts.
Honestly the site sucks now. I am leaving forever. the new theme has an impact on my game for sure.

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