
Black Lives Matter

Why only bIack lives ? There is a lot of racism against Asians nowadays and no one protests that?
But again this is all divide and conquer, humans aren’t your enemies but a dark multidimensional force that has plagued this planet a long time ago
@vallemartinez "The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar."

@HellevatorOperator Good. Escalation is necessary for truth to emerge victorious. I want to see more passion from you. Push your trash harder. Become a missionary for the cause
So you are supporting a guy who broke into a woman's house and held a shotgun to her pregnant belly and robbed her for drugs/money. Then got caught 4 times with cocaine. Then OD'd speedballing some of the hardest drugs there is under a bad cop's knee?? george is NOT my hero. In matter in fact I'll teach my kids to be the opposite of what george was. Yet Lichess is organizing an event because of him??? WTF This site moved down a notch in my book.
What is this fortune signaling?

That's a bit disgusting. Even if you're for BLM that's completely Chauvinistic. Not to mention spiteful and outside the spirit of the intent that comes from normally donating.

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