
A first time Grandmaster Titled Arena winner and Nakamura's forbidden platform.

I really enjoy when he plays here on Lichess but if his contract doesn't allow then he should NOT stream it or probably on his alternate channel
I've tried chesscom, before I found Lichess. It's not a bad platform. The interface is more easy to use and I like the video classes. The main downside is the salty monthly/anual subscription fee. If they charged a more friendly fee, I would probably still be playing there frequently. The more I learn about Lichess, the less I want to go back to chesscom. And I swear to God, I would. Just lower the damn subscription, chesscom and we can talk.
I've been bongclouded on lichess, I really should check who can mess around with their king so much and still make me look like the patzer I clearly am.

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