
Tournament: ChessWhiz Cup

chesswHiz claimed that its not a variant with the word house in :(
If only it were Crazyhouse. I wish.

Yes, you can join the tournament late. It will be listed on as any other tournament, once it has begun.
Finally I understood what going on. New variant creators together with ChessWhiz want to fool people. They made a fake leak today, just 1 day before the tournament, make us to believe that we discover what a secret variant is. Ha ha, nice try, guys, but I am not that naive. Will not surprise, if new variant will be not what we expect, but crazyhouse or bughouse.
A maybe-fake bug in the website revealed the maybe-variant to a few people.

Unfortunately, they won't tell you what they saw.

Good luck in the tournament!
is bug the operative word here? is this a major clue? bug....ho... i cant take the excitement anymore!
i don t see any tournaments
and in 20 min it will start!
so where it will be?

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