
Add racing kings arenas (daily/weekly/monthly etc.)

RK is sometimes misunderstood by many players, they consider it different from the other variants, because your objective is not the king anymore, because your king has the powers of any other chess piece due to the no checks rule, i find it very fun and easy to learn.
Hope one day it becomes more popular than it is now
Yes. RK has the king as a powerful piece, unlike other variants. It's more accurate in a way.
True,racing kings is a unique variant,which is played without any pawns(other variants are played,using pawns and pieces).Also,in racing kings you can find out some sort of tactics,like pinning pieces,getting opening advantages.Checks are not allowed and that is another thing that makes racing kings variant very nice for people, who think strategically and tactically.
Yet very few lichess staff (But a fair amount of users) care about racing kings in general. Posts don't seem to get their attention.
I even sent FischyVischy a tourney that involves prize money (I'll even pitch in).
Unfortunately I have not yet gotten a response. Sad to say, I'm afraid I'll have to draw the conclusion that the lichess staff who doesnt care about racing kings simply brushes it off as useless junk. I have proven this many times already, and nothing involving RK will be accomplished if they don't do anything now.
i never cared about RK until when i decided to play it today, i think its an interesting variant that i would like to master, i checked to see if there are tournaments and found none, until i came across this post, i hope the mods reconsider
@njuguna It’s very fun and interesting, unfortunately a majority of players (I admit myself included) play a lot of 0+1 or 1/2+0 to get to the leaderboard.

I’m afraid RK is very very unpopular, and I keep pleading in the forums in hopes of mods and developers to see this. A few see, but none take initiative to implement the daily racing kings tournaments. Even more outrageous is that I was banned for trying to support this variant.

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