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As a thought exercise if Lichess created a clone site as per v1 with no future updates but completely free and the same as before etc etc how many users would transfer to this site at this point in time?

I would as I cannot even play on v2 due to my old windows system.
I can't upgrade the browsers Firefox amb Chrome in my old Windows version, so now i can`'t play.I can't see the chess clock, the board is so big , .....

What browsers are compatible with v2 ?

Please give people a chance play v1
can some of you complainers show some screenshots? So it's possible to 'see' .. what's going on.. and if it's really that bad.. etc?
If you are on old and unsupported windows software, you are at risk of viruses and worse. Why not put linux (try lubuntu) on a usb stick and you can boot from the usb stick and unplug the usb stick if you want to use windows. You can then run the latest firefox or chromium. All this is free.

If you like lubuntu you can either permanently install it alongside windows (you get a menu when you turn your pc on and choose which operating system you want) or overwrite windows if you have no software on there you really want (you can install libre office on lubuntu which is very similar and compatible with ms office).

The above may sound complicated but it's not. Would take 30 min. Loads of YouTube videos on how to do it
I use Win XP and at the moment you can play the latest version of Mozilla. But still not visible clock. Therefore, I do not know how to play yet... I will not change the operating system. XP it was the best of all Windows - I have several of them and I can modify them as I please. If the bugs are not corrected, you will have to find a PC specifically for chess. I think playing with the phone is complete nonsense.

If you are talking about Linux, you are right. This is more versatile, up to and including the use of multiple virtual OSes on a single machine. But for Windows this is nonsense. Over the past two years malware Petya and other extremely malicious viruses infect all operating systems other than XP. More precisely, it had the least vulnerability to modern viruses, even if you have open ports. And I will not list viruses for Linux. All the latest windows is sorry sucks. The latest version wants 32 GB minimum for a system disk. And it is full of hidden services and other unnecessary and harmful things. Just like android.

I urge people to look at the clones of Lichess and develop them if it is interesting to anyone.

Linux has very reasonable protection against viruses and is constantly updated (for free).

My point is that for no cost you can install it alongside windows. I suspect most people would find lubuntu quicker on old hardware than vista etc. If you have new hardware, linux mint is superb.

I think this would be better generally but it would also allow people to play lichess.

There's no reason the owner of a free chess website should spend his time keeping it updated for old browsers / Operating systems. If people are unwilling to update, they're totally free to go elsewhere. Looking at the number of players playing on here, it seems numbers have remained constant.

I think those unwilling to update are vocal. But very much a minority.

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